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digital artwork by bethany swoveland

I’m available for custom digital artwork for a variety of purposes, including promotional marketing materials, wedding announcements or invitations, customized portraits, and more.

Give her a shout to discuss details:

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Album artwork for geneva.wav

Listen to 24 hrs here.

Custom promo materials for Lys Santamaria

View Lys’ work here.

Hilo Y Aguja Poster.png

Custom portraits memorializing Natalie’s grandmothers.

little purple women.png

Bedazzle your next family portrait.

Spruce up your selfie game.

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mixed media art by bethany swoveland

“Venus, Did You Know You’re the Moon?” Mixed media 3D collage, 2019.

Venus, did you know you’re the moon?
Your blooming, beautiful bits
Loud like water spilling from my mouth
My cup runneth over
With admiration for your waves
Curves, indented with life,
Marked by growing hips, showing skin
Did you know that you’re the moon?
Always moving
Always shining
Always there
Your presence, everywhere
Big and breathtaking
Take up space in this galaxy
Like you do in my head
Like the moon in the sky
You remind me of what it means
To love someone so much
You could just scream

“Willful Ignorance is Rosey for Those who Have that Choice,” Dried flowers and paper on wood, 2020