To my friends with sleepless nights.

I’ve experienced anxiety since I was small. My first memories are riddled with worry. I’ve had a perpetual stomach ache my entire life. This pressing, heavy rock has made a lovely, loud home in my belly, pushing itself into my sides in moments of uncertainty. I’m always just a tad shaky and on the verge of tears. For as long as my memories go back, I’ve endured varying degrees of debilitating anxiety.

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Wandering the Weird

I’m taking a break from waxing poetic in my usual brooding fashion to have a technicolor waltz down memory lane and break down some of the weirdest, wackiest spots I’ve happened upon while traveling across the U.S.

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Letting Love Leave

I grew up on the pining stories of Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters. I didn't believe in the suave, amorous nature of Mr. Darcy or the mysterious, obsessive romance of Heathcliff, in the same way I didn’t think the Boogeyman or unicorns existed. I know better now.

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Bethany SwovelandComment
Dancing Without a Drink in Hand

I was the queen of peer pressure and it makes me sick to think about to this day. I had to mask the chaos bubbling up in my belly, so I made sure everyone around me played along and got just as hammered as I was, so none of us stuck out. If we all lost our minds and couldn’t remember it the next day, did it even happen?

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